
  • Reflianto Reflianto STIT Syekh Burhanuddin Pariaman



The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences of students’ speaking ability in the Flipped Classroom model by using 1) audiovisual media, 2) printed media, 3) online learning WhatsApp and Massive Open Online English Course (MOOEC) in terms of students’ personality of conscientiousness and emotional stability. An experimental research method was used in this study where the data taken from 56 students who enroll class eleventh at Senior High School of MAN 3 Padang. They were divided into four different treatment groups. Students’ speaking ability data were collected by using Oral English Competence Test, while the personality data was measured by using questionnaires with 5-point Likert scale. The data analysis used one ways Anacova. Research findings reported that simultaneously the Flipped Classroom Model by using four different media have significant influence on students' speaking ability in terms of their conscientiousness and emotional stability, but partially was not significant differences on students' speaking ability where the conscientiousness have significant effect on students' speaking ability, but not to emotional stability. Flipped Classroom Model by using online learning WhatsApp and MOOEC highly contribute to the improvement of students' speaking ability than printed media. English teachers can take advantages of the use online learning media WhatsApp and MOOEC in the teaching of English speaking.


Author Biography

Reflianto Reflianto, STIT Syekh Burhanuddin Pariaman

Reflianto is a PhD student at the State University of Malang of Educational Technology Concentration English Language Teaching. He received a bachelor’s degree in Technical Faculty from Ekasakti University and a master’s degree in English Language Teaching from the State University of Padang. He is a lecturer at STIT Syekh Burhanuddin Pariaman. He is interested in social science, language teaching, educational technology, method of educational research and teacher professional development. Current Publication: 1) ICECE Proceeding: “Improvement of Students' Ability on Statistical Software Application (Public Service on Islamic Student for Early Childhood Education Program)†Pangeran Beach Hotel, Padang. 2017. 2) ICIGR Proceeding: â€Punishments To Strengthen Students' Discipline for Future Educationâ€. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. 2017. URL : 3) ICESST Proceeding “Developing Teaching Material for Descriptive Writing Subject by Using Think Pair Share Model in Elementary Schoolâ€. Universitas Negeri Padang. 2018,


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