Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines


Ekonomika Syariah: Journal of Economic Studies Brief submission guideline:

  1. This journal explores the development of Economics and Banking.
  2. Articles must be original, research based, not / not yet published and not for other publications.
  3. The manuscript must be typed in the word document format with Garamond, size 12 pts, one half space, A4 paper around 15 to 18 pages. All manuscripts must be sent to the website: or email address:
  4. Articles must be written in Indonesian or English. The title of the article is not more than 12 words. Article title, author's name, email address, and institution are at the top of the article.
  5. Abstracts presented in 2 languages (English and Indonesian) must be in 150-200 words and 3-5 keywords. The abstract must contain the title, objectives, methods, research findings, and conclusions. While abstract non-research papers include titles, goals, discussions, and conclusions.
  6. Quotations, parts and words in local or foreign languages must be translated into English.
  7. The full research paper has broad relevance and contributed something new to Islamic economics, finance and banking.
  • Background: to explain the theoretical background, related research, practical application and purpose of the article.
  • Results (findings) and Discussion: The results must be clear and concise. Discussion must explore the importance of work, not repetition. The compiled part and the discussion part must match. Avoid extensive quotes and extensive discussion of published literature.
  • Conclusions: The main conclusions of this study can be presented in conclusions, which may stand alone or in the form of sub-sections of discussion or results and discussion.
  • References. The literature listed in the References contains only the sources referenced or included in the article. Please use Reference Manager Applications like Mendeley or Zotero. Referral sources should provide 80% of journal articles, proceedings, or research results from the last ten years. Writing techniques bibliography, using the system cites Modern Humanities Research Association 3rd edition.

    Example of Footnote Styles

    1 Hidayatul Arief, Iiz Izmuddin, and Hesi Eka Puteri, ‘Pengaruh Financial Sustainability Terhadap Jangkauan BPR Syariah Di Propinsi Sumatera Barat’, Ekonomika Syariah: Journal of Economic Studies, 3.2 (2019), 32–46.

    2 Febby Irfayunita, Miswardi Miswardi, and Hesi Eka Puteri, ‘Pengaruh Nisbah Bagi Hasil Terhadap Preferensi Masyarakat Memilih Produk-Produk Pendanaan Pada Perbankan Syariah Dengan Faktor Financial Literacy Sebagai Variabel Intervening’, Jurnal Benefita, 1.1 (2019), 14 <>.

    3 M.Arifin and others, ‘Personality, Grit and Organizational Citizenship Behavior at Vocational Higher Education: The Mediating Role of Job Involvement’, Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 9.2 (2018), 329–48.

    4 Hesi Eka Puteri, Metodologi Penelitian Ekonomi Dan Perbankan Islam (Bukittinggi: IAIN Bukittinggi Press, 2014).

    5 Habib Ahmed, ‘Maqasid Al-Shari’ah and Islamic Financial Products: A Framework for Assessment.’, ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 3.1 (2011), 149–60.


References: References are listed in alphabetical order. Each reference listed is quoted in the text, and the Non-research paper covers the main theme, the logical development of the theme, the author's point of view, the implications, conclusions, or conclusions.
  • References and notes must be written in alphabetical order as follows:
  • Febby Irfayunita, Miswardi Miswardi, and Hesi Eka Puteri, ‘Pengaruh Nisbah Bagi Hasil Terhadap Preferensi Masyarakat Memilih Produk-Produk Pendanaan Pada Perbankan Syariah Dengan Faktor Financial Literacy Sebagai Variabel Intervening’, Jurnal Benefita, 1.1 (2019), 14 <>.
  • Habib Ahmed, ‘Maqasid Al-Shari’ah and Islamic Financial Products: A Framework for Assessment.’, ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 3.1 (2011), 149–60.
  • Hesi Eka Puteri, Metodologi Penelitian Ekonomi Dan Perbankan Islam (Bukittinggi: IAIN Bukittinggi Press, 2014).
  • Hidayatul Arief, Iiz Izmuddin, and Hesi Eka Puteri, ‘Pengaruh Financial Sustainability Terhadap Jangkauan BPR Syariah Di Propinsi Sumatera Barat’, Ekonomika Syariah: Journal of Economic Studies, 3.2 (2019), 32–46.
  • M.Arifin and others, ‘Personality, Grit and Organizational Citizenship Behavior at Vocational Higher Education: The Mediating Role of Job Involvement’, Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 9.2 (2018), 329–48.
  1. All documents submitted are subject to the review of the editor, editorial board, and reviewers.
  2. The editors have the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with this guide.
  3. All URL addresses in the text are activated.
  4. The author obeys the rules of the style of environment.
  5. Plagiarsm Tolerance Limit 30%
  6. The name and email address sent on this site will be used exclusively for this purpose and will not be available for other purposes or other parties.