Reviewers Guideline

How to conduct a review

Before accepting or declining an invitation to review, consider the following :

  • Whether the research article is in accordance with your expertise
  • Whether you have a conflict of interest
  • Whether you have time to review

If you accept to review, you should treat the manuscript and the results of your review as a confidential document. You are not allowed to share it with anyone without the permission of the editor. To do a review, the first time you need to read the entire article. Give input in accordance with your point of view. 

Your review report

Your review report will help the editor determine whether a manuscript is eligible for publication or not. Your comment must be courteous and constructive. Providing feedback on manuscript weaknesses is important, you should clarify your judgment so that Editors and authors can understand the reasons behind your comments.


  • Summarize the article in a short paragraph, it shows that you have read and understood the research manuscript.
  • Give your main impression on the article, to the renewal and the interesting thing. whether it gives enough impact and adds new knowledge.
  • Make sure that all suggestions to the author to add specific citations should be based on scientific reasons, not to increase the visibility of your work or colleagues.
  • Please inform the editor if you suspect plagiarism, fraud, or have other ethical concerns.
  • Provide specific comments and suggestions, including layouts and formats, title, abstract, introduction, methods, statistical errors, results, discussions, conclusion, language, and references.

The final decision

Based on the reviewers report and recommendation, Editors decides whether to accept or reject the article. The editor will weigh all views and may call for a third opinion if necessary.

Web of Science Reviewer Recognition

We encourage reviewers to claim their review history on the Web of Science Researcher Profiles. Islam Transformatif journal supports automated review recognition by pressing the "Send your review to Publons" button. This button will be available after reviewers complete the manuscript review. Once the reviewer clicks this button and confirms their intention to submit their review to Publons, the review data is automatically sent to Publons. The reviewer then receives an invitation to claim the review, or if they already have a Publons profile and have opted in for automatic addition of reviews from partnered journals, it is automatically added to their profile.