The Solutions of Natural Environmental Degradation in the Perspective of Tafsir An-Nur


  • Nur Ilham Arifuddin Universitas PTIQ Jakarta
  • Abdur Rokhim Hasan Universitas PTIQ Jakarta
  • Ahmad Kamaluddin Universitas PTIQ Jakarta



Damage, Natural Environment, Tafsir An-Nur, Teungku Muhammad Hasbi ash-Shiddieqy, Khalifa


This article examines the solutions to the natural environmental damage from the perspective of Tafsir An-Nur by Teungku Muhammad Hasbi ash-Shiddieqy. The study of natural environmental damage by a contemporary Indonesian mufassir in bil-ma’tsur and bir-ra’yi style is essential to understand the local interpretation of Al-Qur’an concerning such damage. Through literature study, this research used a descriptive analysis method to describe the perspectives of Tafsir An-Nur regarding verses on the natural environmental damage and the embedded solutions in al-bī’ah and fasÄd terms. This article argues that human objectification and greed toward the natural environment are the root of natural environmental damage. Humans’ detachment from the moral-spiritual guidance taught by religion, especially Islam, has led humans to exploitative attitudes toward the natural environment. Tafsir An-Nur offers several solutions to overcome the natural environmental damage, namely interpreting the position of humans as caliphs fairly and wisely, cultivating the qana’ah character, eliminating hypocrisy in behaving, and building mutualistic relationships toward the natural environment. This article shows that efforts to end the damage to the natural environment begin with humans’ attention to moral-spiritual aspects of ecology.


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