Jurnal Educative: Journal of Educational Studies 2024-02-01T01:17:25+00:00 Jurnal Educative: Journal of Educational Studies Open Journal Systems <p> </p> <table dir="ltr" style="background-color: #ededed; width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="30%">Journal title</td> <td width="70%"><strong>Jurnal Educative: Journal of Educational Studies</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Abbreviation</td> <td>Jurnal Educative</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Acess</td> <td>Open Access <img style="width: 50px;" src=" acces.png" alt="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>e-ISSN / p-ISSN</td> <td><strong><a href="">2549-4139</a> / <a href="">2549-4120</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>DOI <img style="width: 15px;" src="" alt="" /></td> <td><strong>Prefix <a href="">10.30983/educative</a> </strong><em>by </em><strong> <img style="width: 50px;" src="" alt="" /><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Editor-in-chief</td> <td><a href=""><strong>Prof. Dr. Zulfani Sesmiarni, M.Pd</strong></a> <em>(Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi)</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Organized/ Publihser</td> <td>Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Indexing</td> <td><a href=""><img style="width: 50px;" src="" alt="" /></a> and View More...</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="30%">Licensed</td> <td width="70%"><a href=""><img style="border-width: 0px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="" width="40%" /></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <p align="justify"><strong>Jurnal Educative: Journal of Educational Studies </strong>(ISSN 2549-4120 and e-ISSN 2549-4139) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published biannually by the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This journal is a transformation of the Analysis Journal published by the State Islamic College (STAIN) Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi which has been published regularly from 2007 to 2015, then the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Bukittinggi from 2015 to 2022.</p> <p align="justify"><strong><strong><strong>Jurnal Educative : </strong></strong>Journal of Educational Studies</strong> publishes original articles on the latest issues and trends occurring internationally in curriculum, instruction, learning, policy and preparation of teachers with the aim to advance our knowledge of education theory and practice. The journal invites articles that have never been published elsewhere. Please see Author Guidelines for information regarding the process of publication in the journal. The language used in this journal are Indonesian and English. The review process in this journal employs a double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.</p> Computer Technology-Based MBKM to Develop Mathematics Education Students’ Metacognition and Metaskill Perspective 2024-02-01T01:17:25+00:00 Hamdan Sugilar Hilman Mangkuwibawa Rully Agung Yudhiantara <p class="abstrak" align="justify">This research endeavors to assess the allocation of mathematics education courses concerning mathematics computer technology, metacognition, and meta-skills in mathematics learning. It also aims to gauge the outcomes of mathematical metacognition abilities through the utilization of mathematical computer applications. Employing a mixed-method approach, the study simultaneously gathered and analyzed qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data were derived from the outcomes of metacognition abilities, while qualitative information was obtained from curriculum documents and metacognition abilities. The metacognition thinking ability test comprised 10 short descriptions related to differential and integral calculus material. The participants were 45 seventh-semester students majoring in mathematics education during the 2021/2022 academic year at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, all of whom undertook mathematics computer application courses. The findings indicate that the mathematics education study program has implemented a curriculum fostering the attainment of qualifications for graduates adept at applying mathematical computer technology, evidenced by the distribution of computer technology-based courses. Metacognition and meta-skills are deemed essential in preparing prospective teachers to engage in higher-level thinking and effectively apply new knowledge, particularly through the application of mathematical computer programs. Notably, students demonstrated good metacognition abilities based on the assessment results.</p><p class="abstrak" align="justify"><em>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran mata kuliah pendidikan matematika berbasis teknologi komputer matematika, metakognitif dan meta skill pada pembelajaran matematika, dan hasil kemampuan metakognitif matematik dengan menggunakan aplikasi komputer matematika. Metode penelitian ini adalah mix method dengan pendekatan penelitian integrative, data kualitatif dan kuantitatif </em>dikumpulkan<em> secara bersamaan dan dianalisis. Metode kuantitatif berupa hasil kemampuan metakognitif, data kualitatif berupa dokumen kurikulum dan kemampuan metakognitif. Analisis data berupa hasil tes kemampuan berpikir metakognitif terdiri dari 10 uraian singkat terdiri dari materi kalkulus diferensial dan integral. Subjek penelitian adalah 45 mahasiswa semester VII tahun akademik 2021/2022 pendidikan matematika UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung yang menerima mata kuliah aplikasi komputer matematika. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa program studi pendidikan matematika telah mengimplementasikan kurikulum yang mendorong capaian kualifikasi lulusan terampil mengaplikasikan dan memanfaatkan teknologi komputer matematika berupa sebaran mata kuliah berbasis teknologi komputer. Metakognitif dan meta skill dibutuhkan untuk menyiapkan mahasiswa calon guru untuk mampu berpikir tingkat tinggi dan terampil menggunakan pengetahuan baru berupa penerapan aplikasi komputer matematika. Hasil kemampuan metakognitif mahasiswa dalam kategori baik.</em></p> 2023-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Hamdan Sugilar, Hilman Mangkuwibawa, Rully Agung Yudhiantara Practice Guidelines for Assisting Students with Visual Impairments 2024-02-01T01:17:25+00:00 Chiedu Eseadi <p class="abstrak" align="justify">Students who are visually impaired but receive adequate support at an early stage have a greater chance of progressing in their academics and future careers. In this research article, the author identified various practice guidelines that can help students with visual impairments achieve a successful transition into the world of work. To discuss available practice guidelines for students from this population, the author conducted a narrative-integrative literature review. According to the study findings, teachers and schools have practical roles to play in assessing and administering educational programs for these students, as well as in utilizing assistive technologies. Further, the study provided guidelines for encouraging career transitions among these students, what is expected of their parents and caregivers, how to provide social and emotional support to these students, and ways to improve their access to library resources. This research contributes to advancing teachers', parents', librarians', and counsellors' knowledge about how to best assist students with visual impairments The study concluded that ongoing training is critical for all relevant stakeholders, including school administrators, parents, and teachers of visually impaired students.</p><p class="abstrak" align="justify"><em>Siswa tunanetra yang menerima dukungan memadai pada tahap awal memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk maju dalam bidang akademik </em>dan<em> karir dimasa depan. Dalam artikel penelitian ini, penulis mengidentifikasi berbagai pedoman praktik yang dapat membantu siswa tunanetra mencapai transisi yang sukses ke dunia kerja. Untuk mendiskusikan pedoman praktik yang tersedia bagi siswa dari populasi ini, penulis melakukan tinjauan literatur naratif-integratif. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, guru dan sekolah memiliki peran praktis dalam menilai dan mengelola program pendidikan bagi siswa tersebut, serta dalam menggunakan bantuan teknologi. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini memberikan pedoman untuk mendorong transisi karir di kalangan siswa, apa yang diharapkan dari orang tua dan pengasuh mereka, bagaimana memberikan dukungan sosial dan emosional kepada siswa, dan cara untuk meningkatkan akses mereka terhadap sumber daya perpustakaan. Penelitian ini berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru, orang tua, pustakawan, dan konselor tentang cara terbaik untuk membantu siswa tunanetra. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa pelatihan berkelanjutan sangat penting bagi semua pemangku kepentingan terkait, termasuk administrator sekolah, orang tua, dan guru tuna netra.</em></p> 2023-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Chiedu Eseadi Integral and Anti-Corruption Generation: The Implementation of A Model of Citizenship for Social Projects Based on Religion and School Culture 2024-02-01T01:17:25+00:00 Azizuddin Mustopa Siti Saodah Susanti <p class="abstrak" align="justify">Corruption has negative impacts on society, including economic, political, and social harm. Indonesia and other nations are plagued by corruption, which requires immediate action. Education, as the foundation of society, is an ideal platform for teaching anti-corruption values from an early age. The purpose of this study is to examine how religious programs and school culture can combat corruption in schools. The study was a descriptive qualitative analysis that involved 23 participants, including the principal, vice principal, PAI teacher, and students. The participants were observed, interviewed, and documented, and the data analysis used Miles-Huberman triangulation. The results show that the implementation of the religious and school culture-based Social Project Citizen model at Sapta Dharma High School, Soreang, is effective in strengthening anti-corruption values among students. The religious program has a clear goal of inculcating anti-corruption values, while the school culture provides concrete examples of actions that support these values. Through the regular implementation of religious projects and the establishment of a school culture that emphasizes integrity, this research positively contributes to the formation of a generation that is less susceptible to corruption and ready to contribute to a clean and just society.</p><p class="abstrak" align="justify"><em>Korupsi memiliki dampak negatif terhadap masyarakat, termasuk kerugian ekonomi, politik, dan sosial. Indonesia dan negara-negara lain mengalami masalah korupsi yang membutuhkan penanganan secara serius. Pendidikan, sebagai fondasi masyarakat, merupakan wadah yang ideal untuk mengajarkan nilai-nilai antikorupsi sejak dini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana program keagamaan dan budaya sekolah dapat mencegah perilaku korupsi di sekolah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang melibatkan 23 partisipan, termasuk kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, guru PAI, dan siswa. Para partisipan diobservasi, diwawancarai, dan didokumentasikan, dan analisis datanya menggunakan triangulasi Miles-Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi model Social Project Citizen berbasis agama dan budaya sekolah di SMA Sapta Dharma, Soreang, efektif dalam memperkuat nilai-nilai antikorupsi di kalangan siswa. Program keagamaan memiliki tujuan yang jelas untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai antikorupsi, sedangkan budaya sekolah memberikan contoh konkret tindakan yang mendukung nilai-nilai tersebut. Melalui pelaksanaan proyek keagamaan secara rutin dan pembentukan budaya sekolah yang menekankan integritas, penelitian ini berkontribusi positif terhadap pembentukan generasi yang tidak rentan terhadap korupsi dan siap untuk berkontribusi pada masyarakat yang bersih dan adil.</em><em></em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Azizuddin Mustopa, Siti Saodah Susanti Analysis of Gamification in Cybersecurity Education for Students: A Systematic Literature Review 2024-02-01T01:17:25+00:00 Reisa Aulia Sodikin Rizki Hikmawan <p>The increasingly complex digital era requires a deeper comprehension of cybersecurity threats, particularly in educational settings. The imperative to establish an interactive and adaptive learning environment, responsive to technological advancements, makes the adoption of gamification elements as an innovative method to heighten student involvement and deliver crucial knowledge in the context of cybersecurity. To tackle these challenges, this research outlines the cause-and-effect relationships, focusing on the connection between the evolution of cybersecurity knowledge areas and gamification elements found in earlier literature. By specifying the components of the CIA Triad—Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability—this study establishes a strong foundation for investigating how gamification elements can harmonize with the cybersecurity requirements in this digital era. The research utilizes a systematic literature review method based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, the research identifies 13 Google Scholar-indexed articles published between 2018 and 2023. These findings reveal a correlation between gamification elements and the CIA Triad aspects, along with Venn diagrams in recent cyber threats and attacks. This offers a foundation for the development of more potent pedagogical approaches in delivering cybersecurity materials to the generation maturing in this digital era.</p><p class="abstrak"><em>Era digital yang semakin kompleks menuntut pemahaman yang lebih mendalam terhadap ancaman keamanan siber, khususnya di lingkungan pendidikan. Adapun kebutuhan untuk menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang menarik dan responsif terhadap perkembangan teknologi informasi mendorong penerapan elemen-elemen gamifikasi sebagai metode inovatif yang dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa dan menyampaikan pengetahuan krusial dalam konteks keamanan siber. Dalam rangka mengatasi tantangan ini, penelitian ini menjelaskan secara rinci pola sebab dan akibat, dengan fokus pada korelasi antara pengembangan area wawasan keamanan siber dengan elemen-elemen gamifikasi dalam literatur terdahulu. Dengan merinci aspek-aspek CIA Triad, yakni Confidentiality, Integrity, dan Availability, penelitian ini menciptakan dasar yang kuat untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana elemen-elemen gamifikasi dapat menyelaraskan diri dengan kebutuhan keamanan siber di era digital ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode systematic literature review berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, menghasilkan 13 artikel terindeks Google Scholar yang diterbitkan di tahun 2018-2023. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara elemen-elemen gamifikasi dan aspek CIA Triad, serta diagram venn yang mengilustrasikan kesesuaian elemen gamifikasi dengan aspek CIA Triad pada ancaman dan serangan siber terbaru sehingga dapat memberikan landasan untuk pengembangan pedagogi yang lebih efektif dalam menyampaikan materi keamanan siber kepada generasi yang tumbuh dalam era digital ini.</em><em></em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Reisa Aulia Sodikin, Rizki Hikmawan ChatGPT and Personalised Learning: Reshaping Pedagogical Approaches in the VUCA Age 2024-02-01T01:17:25+00:00 FX. Risang Baskara <p>This paper explores the impact of OpenAI's ChatGPT on personalized learning in higher education during the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) era. It investigates how ChatGPT can improve individualized learning to tackle VUCA challenges in higher education. Although previous studies have noted AI's potential in education, there's limited in-depth research on ChatGPT's role in personalized learning. This study stands out by providing new insights into the intersection of AI and higher education pedagogy through a theoretical analysis based on primary and secondary data sources, including academic literature and case studies. Key findings show that ChatGPT's advanced language capabilities can create personalized learning environments, addressing VUCA challenges. It suggests that AI tools like ChatGPT are crucial for pedagogical innovation and student engagement, marking a significant shift in education where traditional methods meet technological advancements. These findings have important implications for educators, policymakers, and AI developers, highlighting the need to integrate AI tools like ChatGPT in higher education curricula to improve teaching and learning experiences, and prepare students for a dynamic world. The paper concludes by urging further academic research to explore the broader implications of AI in education and address the challenges of this transformative process.</p><p class="abstrak"><em>Makalah ini mengeksplorasi dampak ChatGPT dari OpenAI terhadap pembelajaran personalisasi dalam pendidikan tinggi di era VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity). Makalah ini menyelidiki bagaimana ChatGPT dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran individual untuk mengatasi tantangan VUCA dalam pendidikan tinggi. Meskipun studi sebelumnya telah mencatat potensi AI dalam pendidikan, penelitian mendalam mengenai peran ChatGPT dalam pembelajaran personalisasi masih terbatas. Studi ini menonjol dengan memberikan wawasan baru tentang persinggungan AI dan pedagogi pendidikan tinggi melalui analisis teoritis berdasarkan sumber data primer dan sekunder, termasuk literatur akademik dan studi kasus. Temuan utama menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan bahasa canggih ChatGPT dapat menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang personalisasi, menangani tantangan VUCA. Makalah ini menyarankan bahwa alat AI seperti ChatGPT sangat penting untuk inovasi pedagogi dan keterlibatan siswa, menandai pergeseran penting dalam pendidikan di mana metode tradisional bertemu dengan kemajuan teknologi. Temuan ini memiliki implikasi penting bagi pendidik, pembuat kebijakan, dan pengembang AI, menyoroti perlunya mengintegrasikan alat AI seperti ChatGPT dalam kurikulum pendidikan tinggi untuk meningkatkan pengalaman mengajar dan belajar, serta mempersiapkan siswa untuk dunia yang dinamis. Makalah ini menyimpulkan dengan mendesak penelitian akademik lebih lanjut untuk mengeksplorasi implikasi yang lebih luas dari integrasi AI dalam pendidikan dan mengatasi tantangan proses transformasi ini.</em></p> 2024-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 FX. Risang Baskara Anti-Corruption Education in an Indonesian Government-Affiliated Academy: Graduates’ Perspectives on How Education Influenced their Behaviour in their Workplace 2024-02-01T01:17:25+00:00 Nungki Awalya Ramdhani <p class="abstrak">Preventing corruption through education programs is considered beneficial to the current efforts to curb corruption in Indonesian government sector. The present study explores how an anti-corruption educational program in a government-affiliated academy can influence the academy’s graduates. Three graduates of the academy who have worked in the government sector participated in this research. This qualitative study conducted semi-structured interviews with each participant. Kirkpatrick’s four-level evaluation model was used as the theoretical basis for assessing the impact of learning result in behavioural changing in the workplace. The findings of this study provide evidence that the anti-corruption program is positively linked to positive behaviour promoting anti-corruption values in the workplace. The participants perceived that the program helped them to develop a better understanding of the existing rules and regulations pertaining to corruption, changed their paradigm about corruption, and equipped them with the ability to be agents of change within the organisation.</p><p class="abstrak"><em>Pencegahan korupsi melalui program pendidikan </em><em>dipandang</em><em> bermanfaat </em><em>dalam</em><em> upaya pemberantasan korupsi di sektor </em><em>pemerintahan</em><em> Indonesia saat ini. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana program pendidikan antikorupsi di </em><em>sekolah kedinasan</em><em> yang berafiliasi dengan pemerintah dapat mempengaruhi </em><em>alumni</em><em> </em><em>instansi</em><em> </em><em>pendidikan </em><em>tersebut. Tiga </em><em>alumni </em><em>yang bekerja di sektor pemerintahan berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian kualitatif ini melakukan wawancara semi terstruktur kepada masing-masing partisipan. Model evaluasi empat tingkat Kirkpatrick digunakan sebagai landasan teori untuk menilai dampak hasil pembelajaran terhadap perubahan perilaku di tempat kerja. </em><em>Hasil</em><em> penelitian ini </em><em>menunjukkan</em><em> bahwa program antikorupsi berhubungan positif dengan perilaku positif yang mempromosikan nilai-nilai antikorupsi di tempat kerja. Para peserta </em><em>menyatakan</em><em> bahwa program </em><em>tersebut</em><em> membantu mereka mengembangkan pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai peraturan dan perundang-undangan terkait </em><em>anti </em><em>korupsi, </em><em>memperluas</em><em> paradigma mereka tentang korupsi, dan membekali mereka dengan kemampuan untuk menjadi agen perubahan dalam organisasi.</em><em></em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nungki Awalya Ramdhani Instructional Leadership Role Through Kurt Lewin's Model to Enhance Culture of Change in Teacher Capabilities 2024-02-01T01:17:25+00:00 Yazid Al Basthomi Asep Sunandar Agus Timan <p>The purpose of this research is to describe (1) the essence of instructional leadership in change management in educational institutions and (2) the change process in an elementary school during the unfreezing, movement, and refreezing stages to enhance the teaching capabilities of a teacher at SD Negeri Wonokerto 04. The research method used is qualitative, using a phenomenological approach with a case study design at SD Negeri Wonokerto 04, Malang Regency. The data were collected using three techniques: in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentary study. The analysis technique used is single-case analysis. To ensure data validity, the researcher performed triangulation, member checking, prolonged observation, and reference material adequacy activities. The results of this study indicate that instructional leadership plays a role as a controller in the change process. The micro-educational institution's change process in enhancing the teaching capabilities of teachers follows Kurt Lewin's change model, which consists of three phases: a) the unfreezing process using symposiums and "Kultin" (Routine Spiritual Sessions); b) the movement process using a workshop and the formation of an assistant team consisting of fresh graduate teachers; and c) the refreezing process carried out through collaborative workshops with SD Negeri Wonokerto 01 and the initiation of meta-learning.</p><p><em>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendiskripsikan tentang: (1) esensi instructional leadership dalam manajemen perubahan pada lembaga pendidikan; (2) proses perubahan sebuah SD saat proses unfreezing, movement dan refreezing dalam peningkatan kapabilitas mengajar seorang guru SDN Wonokerto 04. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif melalui pendekatan fenomenologi dengan rancangan studi kasus di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Wonokerto 04, Kabupaten Malang. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan 3 teknik, yaitu: wawancara mendalam, observasi peran serta, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis kasus tunggal. Untuk memperoleh keabsahaan data, peneliti melakukan kegiatan triangulasi, pengecekan anggota, ketekunan pengamatan, dan kecukupan bahan referensi. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah instructional leadership mengambil peran sebagai pengendali proses perubahan dan proses perubahan sebuah lembaga mikro pendidikan dalam peningkatan kapabilitas mengajar guru yang mengacu pada teori perubahan model Kurt Lewin yang terdiri dari tiga fase, yaitu a) proses unfreezing menggunakan simposium dan Kultin (Kultum Rutin); b) proses movement menggunakan sebuah workshop dan pembentukan tim pembantu dari guru fresh graduate; dan c) proses refreezing dilaksanakan dengan workshop kolaborasi bersama SD Negeri Wonokerto 01 dan inisiasi meta learning</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yazid Al Basthomi, Asep Sunandar, Agus Timan Trends of Instructional Design Development: A Bibliometric Analysis 2024-02-01T01:17:25+00:00 Zahid Zufar At Thaariq Alif Hanifatur Rosyidah <p class="abstrak">Instructional design, as part of educational technology, is very useful in planning the desired direction of teaching and learning activities. Designers need to have a direction that can relate to the rapid development of the times. Researchers conducted a bibliometric study to review the current direction of instructional design development. This study is characterized by being analytical across time, as it is based on analyzing files in the time period (2013-2023) collected in Google Scholar database of 1000 articles. Then the article data obtained was analyzed to see what retention had developed. The results of the review show that there are various instructional design directions relevant to various constructs, such as (1) online learning, (2) blended learning/instruction, (3) project-based learning, (4) gamification, (5) instructional modules, (6) computer-assisted learning, and (7) simulation-based learning. These four results have signaled that the current paradigm is within the scope of e-learning. These results can be used as an illustration for educators and other designers to see the latest emerging instructional design trends.</p><p class="abstrak"><em>Desain pembelajaran, sebagai bagian dari teknologi pendidikan, sangat berguna dalam merencanakan arah kegiatan belajar mengajar yang diinginkan. Desainer perlu memiliki arah yang dapat berhubungan dengan perkembangan zaman yang begitu cepat. Peneliti melakukan studi bibliometrik untuk meninjau arah pengembangan desain pembelajaran saat ini. Studi ini memiliki karakteristik analitis lintas waktu, karena didasarkan pada analisis file dalam periode waktu (2013-2023) yang dikumpulkan dalam basis data Google Scholar sebanyak 1000 artikel. Kemudian data artikel yang diperoleh dianalisis untuk melihat retensi yang telah berkembang.</em><em> Hasil tinjauan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat berbagai arah desain pembelajaran yang direlevansikan dengan berbagai konstruk, seperti (1) online learning, (2) blended learning/instruction, (3) project-based learning, (4) gamifikasi, (5) modul pembelajaran, (6) pembelajaran berbantuan komputer dan (7) pembelajaran berbasis simulasi. Keempat hasil tersebut telah menandakan bahwa paradigma saat ini telah berada pada lingkup pembelajaran berbasis elektronik (e-learning). Hasil ini bisa dijadikan sebagai gambaran bagi pendidik maupun desainer lainnya dalam melihat tren desain pembelajaran terkini yang telah berkembang.</em><em></em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zahid Zufar At Thaariq, Alif Hanifatur Rosyidah