Eka Srimulyani

Eka Srimulyani Mail
(Scopus ID : 55659548600), Universitas Islam Negeri Ar Raniry Aceh, Indonesia

Prof. Eka Srimulyani is the First Acehnese Female Anthropologist, receiving the Australian Alum'ni Awards (AAA) for Aceh Academic Professional Achievement in 2021. She was also selected as a Young Muslim Intellectual in Southeast Asia funded by the Japanese government. Prof. Eka became a postdoctoral fellowship at the International Institutes for Asian Studies (IIAS) Leiden University. Prof. Eka became a researcher at the International Center for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS). He was also a visiting scholar at the University of Melbourne and a short research fellowship at NTU Singapore.
As a researcher, Prof. Eka focuses on women and gender studies. Her works, Woman from Traditional Islamic Educational Institutions in Indonesia: Negotiating Public Space published by University Amsterdam Press. In addition, gender and power in Indonesian Islam was also published by Taylor & Francis. Other writings are Family Well Being Dynamics and Psychological Assistance for Women Victims of Sexual Harassment and Violence in Aceh, Indonesian Muslim Diaspora in Contemporary South Korea: Minority, Social Identity, and Cultural Contestation.
Consistency in the development of women and gender studies can be seen in the scientific works she produced and published in various Gender Studies or Woman Studies journals. Currently, her H-index is 12 (Google Scholar) and 5 (Scopus).