Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s Critique of Avicennian Psychology and the Transcendental Individuation of Human Souls

Authors :
(1) M. Fakhuruddin Attar Mail (McGill University, Canada)


This article examines the psychological doctrines of the Ashʿarite theologian and polymath Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 606/1210). The starting point of the discussion is his critical reception of Avicenna’s (d. ca. 428/1037) psychological theories. I focus on al-Rāzī’s early works on philosophy, in particular al-Mabāḥith al-mashriqiyya and his famous commentary on Avicenna’s al-Ishārāt wa-l-tanbīhāt. I show that Rāzī affirms a theory of the human soul that is heavily influenced by his predecessor. However, I also show that offers a distinct perspective on fundamental issues. I offer a detailed discussion of two Rāzian psychological doctrines: that human souls are heterogenous, rather than constituting a single species “rational animal” pace Avicenna; and that they are caused by celestial entities called Perfect Natures, a theory that is adopted from the practitioners of talismanic magic. The resulting cosmological theory can be referred to as the transcendental individuation of human souls


Islamic philosophy, Islamic theology, Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, Avicenna, Psychology

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| DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30983/it.v7i1.6221


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30983/it.v7i1.6221


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